The title says it all. This may prove to be a little harder to keep up with, with my working and all than I originally thought. Yes, I'm back to work. Ugh! It's really not that bad. The kids have been pretty good so far. I went to work for 3 weeks and now I'm on Spring Break. Not too bad huh? :)
As I would guess is normal Melanie had a MUCH easier time adjusting to the new schedule than I did. The first couple of days were really rough for me, but they got better. I don't suppose it will ever get easy, but it does get better. So much has happened since the last post! I'm going to try and remember it all.
For starters Melanie was baptized on March 7th here at our church in New Braunfels. We invited family only just because we knew it was a drive for most and knew it would be a total zoo if we included everyone. Chris has those pictures on his computer at work, so I'll do my best to get those posted this week while I have a chance. I have one of my cousin Cody holding her posted this time.
She's getting so big! I can't remember if I told everyone that she went on her first camping trip towards the end of February. We met my parents at Stephen F. Austin State Park in Sealy just outside of Katy. Of course she couldn't do much. But we took her on a walk in her stroller and she slept while Mommy and Daddy got some exercise.
She learned how to roll over this past weekend and does that on a regular basis now when she's on the floor. She pretty much grins at most anything these days and is just too cute for words. She's cutting a tooth on the bottom as well. Chris cut his first tooth at 3 months, and the doctor says it's hereditary. So we'll see how long it takes for it to come in.
The BIG news is that she giggled/laughed for the first time last night. Her Uncle Philip covered his eyes and then uncovered them while holding her and said "Boo!" and she just giggled. At first Chris and I were like "what was that?" and then we listened again and it was all I could do to keep from laughing myself. I LOVE watching her learn and grow!
Some other things she is doing now are... she wants to try and turn over in her swing (picture shown), and she also is wanting to scoot down into her covers and hide when she's asleep (picture shown).
We go to the doctor for her 4 month well baby check-up so I will have more information then. I know that we will be told to start cereal out of a spoon, and fruits and veggies. I'm so excited to try those with her!
Some big news for some friends of ours... Kim and Matt Huckaby had their baby, Taylor Ann last Wednesday. There were some major complications with Kim's pregnancy and we are just thrilled to death that everything went as it should have. What a blessing! Kim and I can't wait for Melanie and Taylor to play together. It's really kind of fun, because there are 3 of us that have had babies within 3-4 months of each other. So they will all go to school together. Melanie and Taylor will be at the same sitter come August. Congratulations Huckabys! We couldn't be happier for you!
Also on that same note, one of my best friends Amber Lausch is expecting again as well! So that means that Melanie and baby Lausch will be in the same grade as well! We don't know what Amber is having just yet, but we're pretty sure it's a girl again! So I, get to be an Aunt again! We couldn't be more excited for the two of you for the second time!
It's so cool that so many of our friends now have babies. We were sort of at the rear end of things with my friends back home and now all of our friends here in NB are catching up. I'm an "Aunt" to 3 kiddos of friends from home and it's just so much fun. My hope is that all of our kids, whether from here or there, that they are able to be friends with each other and have as much fun as we have and are having. Cheers to friendships past, present and future!
That's about it for today. I'll be back later this week with more information and pictures hopefully.
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